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November5, 2008

We purchased the land for the dumpster exactly one year ago, with the intention to get rid of it today. But, there are delays due to First Life commitments, like upcoming shows, panels and student excursions.

November 6, 2008

The election is over, Barack Obama won!!!!!!!!! and remaining campaigning materials make their last appearance on the dumpster, which reminds us, that a dumpster is a resting ground for the past, a kind of retirement home for things that had value at another point in time and are about to leave this world. Next two two sofas and a Christmas Tree Skirt 1 discarded by SkyLyn Gothly, Luluk Zenovka had dumped a box that said: “Heart Break Relief- Free Prim Tears” in front of a Sarah Palin Poster.

On the other side of this heap were two Obama poster's, one of them featuring the word HOPE while the now president-elect is looking at the mess in front of him.

Since no decay script was attached to either items, we contacted the owners, reminding them of the decay script and it's importance.

[6:46] Lothar Apfelbaum: Hi Luluk, thanks for leaving some trash (Palin Poster) on the dumpster. Could you come back and detach the deacy script, so the stuff can decay? Thanks a lot. Greetings from the Dumpster, Lothar

A few minutes later, Luluk appeared on the dumspter ground, walked straight up to the heap, deleted the Palin Poster, turned around, smiled, put on a skirt and left.

Lothar Apfelbaum, who had been busy with taking some snapshots, was left with no other choice but to send another instant message again…

[7:09] Lothar Apfelbaum: Luluk, sry to bother you again… but I did not mean you had to delete the Palin Poster… just attach the decay script to all the trash you left at the dumpster. Lothar
[7:09] Luluk Zenovka: okthanks
[7:10] Lothar Apfelbaum: If you have a minute to come back I can show you how to attach the decay script
[7:11] Lothar Apfelbaum: if not… later….

Then, while night had turned into day again, Phantom Udimo, whom we also just had encouraged to attach the decay script to his |BOB- Battery Operated Boyfriend, his aretis pink strap on and his rolled up newspaper appeared on the dumpster. All dressed in black with longish, thin hair he smoked a lot while typing and looking around.

[8:37] You: hello Phantom, thanks for returning
[8:37] Phantom Udimo: hi im trying to fig what and where lol
[8:37] You: let me know, if you need help….
[8:37] Phantom Udimo: ok where is the stuff and what do i do might be easier with a short instruction
[8:38] You: ok, here come here…see it…? on the ground?

[8:38] Phantom Udimo: yeah
[8:38] You: drag the decay script on each item and click“touch”
[8:39] Phantom Udimo: ok im dumb where is decay script, sorry
[8:39] You: in your script folder. If you can not find it…search for “decay” in your inventory
[8:40] Phantom Udimo: ok found it 3 actully
[8:40] You: one is enough:)
[8:40] Phantom Udimo: but i drag it over and it has a black no with a lock symbol [8:41] You: oh no, too bad…that means you can not modify the object, not even as the owner. hm…try the newspaper you left as well
[8:42] Phantom Udimo: that worked
[8:42] You: great….
[8:42] Phantom Udimo: so do i just pick up the pink you know what and trash it
[8:42] You: unfortunately …yes…just trash it… no decay
[8:43] Phantom Udimo: was there anything else
[8:43] You: I don't think so. How did you got here the first time?
[8:44] Phantom Udimo: someone told me about this didnt explain just told me dump stuff here
[8:44] You: no problem at all. come back anytime you want to trash something, now you know how it works
[8:44] Phantom Udimo: i will and thanks again. just im me if needed
[8:46] You: thanks

The one-year of the SL DUMPSTER has ended

After one year of dumpster maintenance, trash sorting and archiving of encounters and disposed objects, this log ends here.

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