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First released version of the decay script

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// composter script by eteam vers 2.0  - 12-21-07
//mod from Growth Script
//By Floog Stuart
//Some parts of the script taken from Cid Jacob's Photosynthesis Script.
//Makes a prim shrink along its longest side (when the sun is out). Starts decaying when touched.
//If you edit this script please give credit to Floog Stuart and Cid Jacob and eteam.

vector direction; //States the variables used in the script
vector scale;
float growth;
vector pos;
float repos;

// trying to determine the largest scale value

float scale1;
float scale2;
string coord;
float growthx = 1.0;
float growthy = 1.0;
float growthz = 1.0;

comparexyz() {
    vector scale = llGetScale();
    if (scale.x > scale.y) {
        scale1 = scale.x;
        coord = "x";
        { scale1 = scale.y;
            coord = "y";

    if (scale1 > scale.z){
        scale2 = scale1;
        //llSay(0, "part21");
        scale2 = scale.z;
        coord = "z";
        //llSay(0, "part22");
    if (coord == "y"){
        //llSay(0, "yyy");
        growthy = llFrand(0.099) + 0.9;
    if (coord == "x"){
        //llSay(0, "xxx");
        growthx = llFrand(0.099) + 0.9;
    if (coord == "z"){
        //llSay(0, "zzz");
        growthz = llFrand(0.099) + 0.9;

            llSetText("",<1,1,1>,1); //Clears Text above prim.

    touch_start(integer num_detected)
        llSetTimerEvent(15); //Starts growth in 15 seconds
            //Growth Timer
            float FloatValue = llFrand(1000); //Creates a random value between 1000 and 0 to be used to decide how many seconds to delay between growth
            //float FloatValue = 1000;
        if (FloatValue < 600) //if the random value is below 600 seconds
            float AddedValue = FloatValue + 600; //it adds 400 more seconds
            llSetTimerEvent(AddedValue); //Sets the new growth delay to AddedValue
        else //If the random Value was above 10.
            llSetTimerEvent(FloatValue); //Set the new growth delay to FloatValue

                //direction = llGetSunDirection(); //Checks to make sure the sun is up.
                //if ( direction.z > 0 ) //If the sun is up.
            scale = llGetScale();   //Gets the size of the plant.
            llSetScale(<scale.x * growthx,scale.y * growthy,scale.z * growthz>);             // Adds the amount it needs to decay along it's longest side.

//Decay Percentage

float growth_percent = scale2 / .100;{
llSetText("Decay " + (string)growth_percent + "%",<1,1,1>,1.0 ); //Adds the Decay Percentage above the prim.
        if ( scale2 < 0.02000 )                   // checks for minimum?
                   llSetText("composted",<1,1,1>,1);      //Says that the prim is pretty much gone.
                   state fullgrown;                        //Goes to state fullgrown


state fullgrown //state fullgrown is used to delete the decayed "trash" object.

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