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Cell Phone Booth

Howdy from the Cell phone Booth. (Cell phone Required)


The Cell phone booth is actually about 10 miles south of the airport. It is a metal chair held down by rocks. It is 1.5 miles from my residence. I ride my bike, run or ski there almost everyday to make phone calls. Whooter(Computer Ed)12-22-2005

montelloballoon1.jpg oldmotel5b.jpg

This is where I am…Computer Ed 01/16/2006

Hello Computer Ed!
Can you mark the cell phone booth on the map? And, how do you keep the booth warm in the winter? — eteam 2006/01/16 16:30

Gotcha! Cell phone booth location is now shown…


This is how I look after a midnight ride to the Cell phone Booth. As you can see you do not keep the cell phone booth warm. Ya keep yourself warm…:) Computer Ed 01/17/2006

Hello Computer Ed, we just got a call from Tower Control, that you will board a plane and turn into a departing passenger. What's your destination? And what about your jobs at the airport? Who will lead passengers to the cell phone booth and who is going to take care of all thatcomputer stuff? — eteam 2006/01/31 20:18

I will only be 3 hrs away via internal combustion vehicle…45 min. as the crow fies..:) Grantsville, Utah. Thanks to our wonderful technology today, I will only need to maintain most equipment once a month. I can monitor and control all systems from anywhere…I will also maintain the cell phone booth once a month as well.(I will make sure the wind or cows don't knock the metal chair over.)..Ha ha ha..At this time I have not departed or even packed my luggage…I am neither here nor there at this time…Computer Ed - Feb. 11, 2006 - 5:31pm

It's only 45 min. as the crow flies to Grantsville Utah, but a crow can't even fligh high enough to make it over Pilot Peak, which seems to sit between Montello and Grantsville like a road block. So, let's say: bad weather, weak signals, shaky powerlines and an emergency situation at the IAM tech department. The problem can't wait 3 hours to get fixed in person. What are our options?

I have chosen a alternative solution. I have created a robot. It looks alot like me. It has my voice. It is programmed with my technical knowledge and can perform any technical task. I can even operate it remote control. It has a camera so I view things from it's point of view. It only needs a place to plug in it so it can maintain its charge when not needed…Computer Ed…April, 12, 2006 10:30pm


One Way to get to the Cell Phone Booth

The Lazy way to the cell phone booth. Security Dog to guide the way. 100 miles per gallon!
IAM wind helmet and jacket fully functional. It brought a big smile to the HMB Pilots face!
What is a HMB Pilot? Never heard of one before. Is it the term used for a special Cellphone booth driver? Hajoe 04.21.06
HMB stands for Honda Mini Bike. Anyone can be a HMB pilot..even children as small as 5. Taking flight however does take a little practice! :)
HMB Pilot in Flight!!! Warning: Flight is for Master HMB Pilots Only!
I love you Mom! I have to go. I see incoming flights! Have a great day! Talk to ya again soon! Yes, mother I will clean behind my ears and always wear clean underware….bye bye luv you too..

Cell Phone Booth Upgrade

On May 22, 2006 I made a small upgrade to the cell phone booth. The upgrade provides shade and shelter from the rain. It also makes the Cell Phone Booth much easier to find. The Cell phone booth is becoming popular with ATV riders and cowboys with Cell phones. I tested it today very nice. Junior and Sweety really enjoyed it after chasing squirrels all the way there! Computer Ed - May 23, 2006 - 9:07 pm


June 6, 2006

Camp Out at the Cell Phone Booth
Junior, Sweety and I will be camping out at the cell phone booth this evening. Camp out will start around 6:30 PM IAM time. Anyone who would like to join in is Welcome! There are even a couple of extra tents at The Horshoeflats Old Motel if anyone would like to use them. If not Junior, Sweety, the coyotes, antelope, squirrels, rabbits owls and I will enjoy the desert solitude together.
For those of you who have my Cell Phone Number. Give me a call or send a text to me after 6:30 pm Pacific time!
Talk at ya there Later!
Computer Ed

urban cellphone booth

Just found this version of a cellphone booth. Obviously a way more claustrophobic version than the plain air version. — hajoe 2006/06/13 11:50 www.igophoto.net_evcatalyst_images_cell_phone_booth.jpg original can be found here

Traveling to the Cell Phone Booth I AM. I AM sure it needs some maintanence I AM. Photos and Video of the Journey will be coming soon! Computer Ed, Sweety, Junior and P.M.C.S system too!! Live from the Cell Phone Booth. See keep an I on this page.. Very soon it will change..