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The Coffee Shop at International Airport Montello
located in Terminal 1, near the entrance to the chapel
Opening hours: 7 days a week, 8am-8pm
Brew Master: Henry J.


Juan Valdez, a true 100 % Columbian high quality coffee farmer with a mule, serves as the eponym for this facility. Without compromise, he is represented in every steaming cup of traditional coffee we serve. But that’s not all. With the same expertise we indulge in the roasted coffee bean tradition, we provide a sip of the future. Stop by at JUAN AT THE AIRPORT and try our 21 Century Special: Virtual Coffee with a Zip!


December 2005

Why do I write that I am standing here?… Well, that's simply to make it so… Here!…Standing here where there is nothing?… First… I'll answer by saying… My name is Henry J… And!… I'll tell you what's happening… I'm standing here at IAM and I am looking for coffee… A cup of fresh brewed coffee… Something good… I mean… Real Coffee… Good Rich Coffee… There is nothing here at this new airport terminal… Nothing for the coffee drinker… Zero!…So!… Only one thing to do… And!… Do it!… Create it to be!… I'll get the coffee started… We Can Do… Not to worry… We won't be without.

You know… When it comes to coffee?…I'm not braging when I say … I am a Brew Master. I qualify that statement by my traveling this last year down to Colombia and purchasing coffee from Juan Valdez at the airport in Bogota. I mean that alone must count for something. When counting, something is better than nothing… And!… It just so happens that the story is true.

Do you care to join me?…Here is a Virtual Coffee… Grasp this!… Hand picked mountain grown 100% Colombian coffee… brought down from the Andes Mountains in sacks strapped on the back of a burro… Dark Rich Coffee Beans… sensing the aroma… sipping toward the next word… Coffee is Motion… Since we are sipping our coffee near the Chapel… I must tell you that I'm thinking maybe there is a little Divine creative can do stimulation in every cup… Of course!… Of course that's what I would be thinking… You See… I also serve as the Airport Chaplain.

Please someone…Please anyone!… Take over this job. Here are the rules. Yes!… Rules… The Brew Master must stay at the very cutting edge… A Master in the Science of Coffee Brewing… The Brew Master from time to time must demonstrate the proving up of a standard into existance. A standard of industry recognition… Surely … Involvement with Virtual Coffee meeting and maintaining the standard into and throughout the 21st Century will present the challenge to be mastered….Mastered by a Brew Master who will not only just step…But!…Step up!… Step up and dare to go where no Brew Master has gone before… Step up!… A leader of the 21st. Century…

Actually!… I Get it… I suppose a good house coffee would be Yuban… Yuban is a fine hand picked mountain grown 100% Colombian coffee. Or!… Coffee Beans…Grinding Colombian coffee beans to satisfaction…espresso, lattees, press coffee, drip, perked, hot, frozen… Or!…

Realization sets in…Ok!… Now I realize the importance. This is an important job… Coffee… Motion… Important yes!… Important to keep people moving… Moving people!… Employees moving… And!…Passengers in transit… Moving!…Keep them moving!… An international airport is constant motion… I'm moving with coffee cup in hand applying for the Brew Master position… Coffee in Action as Motion… I'm establishing the coffee shop near the entrance to the Chapel. I'm thinking I'll be able to serve both God and coffee to benefit my fellow creative can do people. We are talking creative can do Motion!…And!… Talking it with a capitol… M… while sipping a cup of Virtual Coffee.

Henry J.
Brew Master


airport_-_is_this_juan.jpg WHO IS THIS MAN?

airport_juan_valdez_logo.jpg THIS IS THE REAL JUAN VALDEZ

airport_yuban_fake.jpg airport_yuban_real.jpg


Hey!… What's going on?… Compare the two cans of coffee. Starting with the can on the left that reads original… Fake!… The illusion has just begun… This is the new Yuban can. A fake!…Nothing original here except the beginning of illusion… This new can with a banner in the upper right hand corner that says “SAME GREAT TASTE”… Yeah!… Sure!… They completely change the coffee bean and then say it taste the same… Taste the same to who?… Am I suppose to believe this?… I'm having trouble… I was hoping for the best… then I went for it…I took a sip… No!… Help!… This is not the original Yuban coffee at all… Not at all… This stuff taste like hot colored acid water… Check it out… Look to the right… The can on the right is the original. Original to what use to be… The original hand picked mountain grown 100% Colombian coffee. The original Yuban that was packed down from the mountains on a burro with Juan himself on the reins,

The can on the left is showing a picture of someone. Yeah!… Someone hiding under the shadow of his hat… Like a someone doing a Colombian drug deal… And … He should be hiding his face… Who is this guy?… Does anyone know him?… He's not Juan Valdez… No!… Juan proudly holds his head high and is always looking you straight in the eye… And!… Juan is always pictured with his burro. Look for yourself. See what I mean… A picture logo of Juan and his burro is on the can on the right in the upper right corner… Mr. Juan Valdez … with head held high and looking you straight in the eye…

Lets cut to the chase… Whats the bottom line?… Yuban sold out… True story… Yuban is no longer 100% Colombian Coffee… The new Yuban, can on the left, is owned by the Maxwell House Coffee company. The new Yuban certifies that it contains a minumum of 30% rain forest coffee… Question number one… Where is the other 70% of the coffee grown … China? … Imported from China like everything else… China is the established quality known the world over for its tea… Coffee… Lets stay focused… Good Rich Coffee… Our desire is to brew only hand picked mountain grown 100% Colombian coffee… Colombian on coffee is like sterling on silver…

Question number two… Question number two is a scary thought… But!… They are cutting down the rain forest?… To do what?… To plant and then harvest this so called 30% minimum rain forest alliance coffee?… Is this the reason or at least part of the reason the rain forest is falling? They claim to be “Conserving the Environment?”… How?… With the savage biting blades of chain saws?… How many acres of rain forest are we losing a day?… Losing it to the planting and harvesting of a “D” rated… low-land… rain forest coffee… Please say no… Please say it isn't so.

Anyway!… No Thank You… Save the Rain Forest… Save life on Earth…We have dropped Yuban coffee from our menu… Dropped it like a hot potato… We here at Juan's now and forever pledge to serve only hand picked mountain grown 100% Colombian Coffee. We support the many brand names that are 100% Colombian…

Just like Mr. Juan Valdez… We stand proud and hold our heads high and look you straight in the eye…

Only after careful consideration we have established the name of the coffee shop to be…


………………………………… Welcome
……………………………………. to
…………………………………… the
………………………………… Americas


How to get the Coffee from Terminal 1 to Terminal 2

……………………….Don't forget,
……………this is not only about the coffee,
……it's also about the means of transportation you use
……………….to deliver the coffee.
…………………For more information.
…………..turn up the volume and press play.
……………….Franzy-2006/02/18 15:36

……………….can't see the video, click here

Quote: “Airports have a captive audience, and consequently the prices charged for food are generally higher than elsewhere in the region. However, some airports now regulate food costs to keep them comparable to so-called “street prices”.
Question1: How about “Juan at the Airport”. What's your policy?
Question2: Do you froth milk for a Latte?
Inquirer: Franzy


airport_juan_coffee_cup.jpg 02/24/06
Thank you to the customer known as Franzy… Perfect!…This is what we like… Feed back from the consumer… A customer presenting the introduction of more effecient coffee delivery systems. This is Juan's… This is the very spirit we wished to obtain… We communicate to get the job done. Communication inward and outward.

We are the peoples coffee shop… We belong to you our cherished customer. Do we froth?… Excuse me for saying but… This is Juan At The Airport… We not only froth we also freeze. Frozen Latte… We build each cup around the customer. How do you want your coffee? Its all about you the customer…A compete menu will be posted as soon as all mixtures are tested.

We will be introducing our 21st Century special…Virtual Coffee… Virtual Coffee will not have a cost. You will receive change in the form of Virtual George. Although there is no cost… You will always receive change… A new 21st. Century approach. … Where's George?… We will be tracking the Virtural George as it travels. Meanwhile we will be experiencing a fun coffee. More details on how you can participate as well as experience the moment. You see… Here at Juan's the pleasure of the coffee is in the tasting of the experience found in the moment.

Juan At The Airport will be introducing a variety of teas… You will be able to participate with the selection. Here at Juan's… Its not about Juan… Its about you!… Information to follow.

Henry J.
Brew Master




Please seize this moment with the imagination that you are experiencing pleasure. Tasting the experience of the moment is accepting your change from this no cost cup of coffee. Although there is no cost… You will always receive change… Now!… In one hand you should be holding the imagination of a cup of Virtual Coffee… And!… Virtual George should be coming into view on your screen… Right?… Have you got it?…. Good!….Here is your change.


Lets begin sipping the coffee. Sipping the Virtual Coffee is studing the Virtual George bill … A wink from a Happy Face … See Where I've Been …

We established Juan At The Airport so that there would be coffee available to keep everyone depending on coffee satisfied. Once satisfied they would either begin moving or continue moving… Moving!… Moving being the key word.

Do you get the idea? … This is pleasure!… Remember?… You began by seizing the moment with the imagination of pleasure. I mean… If you can receive change from a no cost cup of coffee…. Isn't that pleasure? … Pleasure of one form or another. A form of pleasure it is. We've all been to Starbucks and paid big bucks. It is a pleasure to finally get a no cost cup of coffee with change back… Yes it is…

Lets get to the bottom line… Now you're holding the wheresgeorge buck… The virtual truth of the matter is the buck now stops and starts again with you… Go to and follow the instructions. Enter your Zip code in the United States and Canada. The Zip code establishes the present location of the bill. The other countries just follow instructions. The series is 2003. … Moving!… We serve coffee… Lets take george on a trip through cyberspace… Virtual Coffee with a Zip… We'll track his movement.

Enjoy your coffee… Here at Juan's the pleasure of the coffee is in the tasting of the experience found in the moment.

Henry J.
Brew Master

The coffee got here and was still hot. Getting change for something so hot is exciting, but nothing compared to a ride on George's back with 912 mpd (miles per day).
Thanks to
Juan At The Airport who made us and our simple coffee experience so much richer.
a satisfied customer back in 11211

Virtual George is on the move


If one gets change with an average speed of 3,052 miles per day, it becomes clear, that this change is flying directly.
A happy customer

Traffic Control Message

Where's George? Bill Tracking Report
Average speeds this fast are unlikely. The hit(s) on this bill are subject to verification and potential deletion.

see here

March 1st, 2006
The speed with which International Airport Montello operates through certain issues (like payment methods for coffee), seems to be incomprehensible to others. Brew Master: We might need another public statement to clear things up.- IAM MANAGEMENT

The Santa Claus Argument


It is an age old argument reaching back to the time of Jolly Old Saint Nick. The classic argument against Santa Claus… “Average speeds this fast are unlikely.”

I received the wheresgeorge buck at the Sun Coast Casino in Las Vegas Nevada from a casino cashier. I handed the cashier a ticket voucher from the nickel slot machine that gave it a value of $6.00. I invested $5.00 in the machine and received the voucher totaling $6.00… A Win … $1.00 … The wheresgeorge buck…

I returned home with the buck and came to work early and spend the buck for coffee at Juan's. I am able to receive free coffee only when I'm on duty. I came in early so I paid for my coffee to help the business.

I came on shift as the Brew Master and realized that the best way this buck could help the business is by passing it out as change from the no cost cup of Virtual Coffee With A Zip. This we are sucessfully doing.

George took on a virtually different texture or even existance. George became a virtual flash of light… And!… I guess we could even say George became an astronaut. George entered cyberspace… Now!… George can virtually travel at the speed of light or very close to it. George travels 17,000 miles out in space to a satellite and then returns 17,000 miles back to earth and from there he travels the information highway… The World Wide Web… Our 21st Century Special… Virtual Coffee With A Zip… George is important to the Virtual Coffee… George, as the change, is the taste of pleasure found in the experience of the moment.

I really didn't realize that there was a speed limit… When I saw the wheresgeorge stamped on the face of the buck I didn't notice a small print that says I can do this but I can't do that… No!… I didn't realize there were conditions on how I spend my winnings. The United States Treasury prints the buck and the United States Government backs the buck… Even they don't tell me how I can spend it…Or!…How I can't.

I went to the wheresgeorge site and realized it to be a commercial venture with advertisement… Ok!… The more exposure the advertisements get the better… Right?… I would think so. The faster the word gets out should even be more appealing. We are just helping… Ok!… Maybe tooting our own horn a little… But!…Just a little.

The conventional wheresgeorge form of travel is fading…Allowances must be made for the new if one is to keep pace with progress and stay competitive. We are the leaders of the 21st Century… Cyberspace Is The Place … And!… Thrusting through it at Light Speed is a necessity

Henry J.
Brew Master


March 19, 2006
Hello Juan at the Airport Staff,
we just recceived an presentation from a young fashion designer who designed a new hygenic coorporate Juan-Brew-Wear outfit. What do you think?
IAM Management




Designer Brew-Wear… A young fashion designer from New York City, a true artist, captured the perfect image for early 21st Century, planet Earth, Juan-Brew-Wear. Brew-Master Henry J. with a big smile of approval for the new outfits.
When brewing and serving 100% Colombian the quality remains to the very bottom of the pot. This is proven once again by the smile produced in anticipation by the excited woman.


Brew-Master Henry J. proudly displaying the offical Juan-Brew-Wear to the IAM Manager.
The situation pending a solution is to do with the size, style and appearance of the To-Go cup.


sAIRah is on the broom sweeping as part of her training to become a Brew-Master. Yes!… The one and same sAIRah who created the successful Lizzy Plane Wash and the artist formally known as Sarah G.
Computer Ed on break from the Tech Department enjoying the brew of the day.


Please notice that the new policy in place at Juan's is still the original promise. The continued promise to pour only hand picked mountain grown 100% Colombian coffee from the many brand names displaying the Juan Valdez offical logo.



Dear Brew-Master.
I know you are mastering a coffee shop, and you are already mentioned to me during one of your brewing ceremonies, that Juan's is called a coffee shop, because you sell coffee. Just to let you know - I love coffee, especially “Juan's”. I happily pump a lot of 100 percent columbian coffeine into my addicted system - day and night - I also enjoy sipping the virtual special - it has the same thrilling effect on me like the conventional cup of coffee. It's just sometimes I feel like having a cup of tea. How about that?
Air Franz (formerly known as Franzy)

TANTO'S TEA TEEPEE- Talk has turned to tea

May 1st, 2006

The talk of tea has echoed throughout Juan's Coffee Shop since the very beginning of the International Airport Montello… Since day one… Now!… The talk has turned to tea…

Yes!… Beginning today May 1st. Juan's is leasing a portion of its airport retail space to an organization named Tanto's Tea Teepee - Tea of the Americas. In addition to providing tea products for travelers, the sharing of the location is a wise business move to cut overhead and to continue only quality products at down to earth prices.

Tea… Tea is much more involved than coffee. Oh yes!… Just like coffee, tea can put Action into the word Motion… Tea can also bring on the sleepy, heavy eyes and pure relaxation… Tea can cure… Tea will lift the spirit so one may soar high above that ill run down feeling… Tea can cleanse the body of toxins… There is a tea for this and a green tea for that… Some even believe in the magic of tea leaves to read the future…A belief not supported or endorsed by Tanto's or Juan's…


Tea of the Americas… North - Central - South… How do you want to feel?… Do you want to heal?… Get up and go?… Or!… Bring it down slow?


North, Central and South American Teas are welcoming the traveler and sharing the magic of the Americas.

Tea of the Americas

We are proud to be a new member of the IAM team.

This is so great. TEA!!!!
I'll have a cup right now and one later!
Soon more,

New Juan ?

When I tried to find more information on the new Juan, I came across this mobile Juan's. I remember there was some talk about mobility a while ago. Does this have anything to do with it?
The image is coming from here and is called “Juan valdez mobile”. — hajoe 2006/07/08

More Columbian


Possibly inspired by the enthusiasm with which “Juan at the Airport” promotes 100 Percent Columbian Coffee, other small coffee houses (for example in NYC at Canal street) seem to follow the brewmaster's choice.
Franzy 2006/08/03 14:43

What's the Buzz?


Whether or not you build it… They will come!…

In keeping with true 21st century design this new virtual beverage is available in either coffee or tea form.

The buzz on the street… Whether or not you build it… They will come.

Here in Montello the buzz reverberates along Front street in and around the slot machines, behind the bar echoing the whiskey bottles of the Cowboy Saloon. The buzz still going down and around and sliding along the shuffle board bar at the Saddle Sore Saloon bumping into a cold bottle of Bud. Whether or not you build it… They will come!…

Juan at the Airport is placing out the red welcome mat. And!… What's the buzz at Juan's?… Welcome… As the stranded passengers arrive the project is complete… So!… The buzz at Juan's is… It is built.

Henry J.

The Alice In Wonderland Effect

Brewmaster Henry J. in full dress Juan uniform

Dear brewmaster, Juan is coming into sight, but reverse. I like placing a mirror in front of my monitor to be able to read the writing it brings the outside to show the inside. It is built but not easily viewable. — hajoe 2006/09/18

The Alice In Wonderland Effect

The reverse effect on the photo… Why?…When you enter Juan's it's like walking through the looking glass?.. Yes!… Walk through the looking glass and become the reverse of the other side… Hey!… That worked with Lewis Carroll's story of Alice In Wonderland. This theory is a possible answer as to why the reverse effect on the photo. You may say… Not likely… But!…I say possible… Let me tell you why… You see… At Juan's we believe in communication and companionship among others of like kind who are also sipping coffee or tea or even taking a swig out of a bottle of Jarritos Strawberry Fresa. We are creating a “through the looking glass” environment springing forth inspiration permitting a reverse perspective from what may be considered normal… A different point or opposite position from which to view… Or!… In this case be viewed… Anyway!… We like to believe that… We like to believe that Juan's is a place where dreams can and do come true… Where blue birds flying high above are landing on the pot of gold that lies over the rainbow… Juan's is a place for finding joy…Like the joy of a steaming hot cup of coffee on a cold and windy day… Hey!… That's us!… Juan's…

Here at Juan's it's not just talk… Juan's is about action. Juan At The Airport is thought in action!… For example, we did expect the unexpected… We turned it around…The unexpected into expected… Again the reversal effect. This could be another theory as to why the photo is reversed. I'll just say this… We are prepared… That's who we are… We were prepared for the IAM Layover and we did serve hot coffee and rolls under extreme windy weather conditions at a remote location… The taste… Now… The taste lies in the experience of what began as a virtual moment … Until!… Suddenly!… The Layover… The slapping in the face with a cold… hard… northwest wind… A real time… A real world… A down right cold and windy remote Nevada high desert location… That is who we are… That is what we serve…That's us!… The tasting of the coffee lies in the experiencing of the moment… We are creative can do people… We communicate to get the job done… We deliver on the bottom line… We are… Juan's…

As one is a 21st Century traveler moving with passport in hand from airport to airport. And!… Soon it will be spaceport to spaceport. Anyway!… When its coffee time. I ask… I ask when you think of coffee… Think American… Think hand picked, mountain grown 100% Colombian… Think of Juan and his burro packing the sacks of coffee beans down from the Andes Mountains of South America… If coffee is not your cup of tea… Then!… As you think of tea… Think Tanto's Tea Teepee… Tea of the Americas… Tea from North, Central and South America… Here at Juan's… We will… We will be thinking… Thinking of our moment together in the experience with you… The tasting of the coffee lies in the experiencing of the moment.… And!… May I say …A fine tasting coffee it has been…

Please… Please remember… Whether sunshine, rain, wind or snow … At Juan's it's… On with the Show…

Henry J.

On with the show and forget about the snow, unwrap the delicious cinammon rolls at Juan's. - Cinnamon rolls, my favorites, how did you find this out? But Juan run out too quickly, none were left to try. So this will be something I have to taste while on the next layover. — hajoe 2006/09/19
juan:juan_action.jpg photo: Kris Vagner

October 21, 2006

Dear Brewmaster,
what do you see?
Franzy 2006/10/21 12:48

October 21, 2006

As Brewmaster I have knowledge that a peak into Wonderland may not be as it appears… Or?… Appearance may be restricted to one's ability to see…

What is not seen is equal…A missing wing from a high flying airplane could signal missing pebbles from mountain daisies or missing blond hair from Alice's forehead beginning at the blue hair tie attached to nowhere on her somewhat elongated head… However!… In present 21st Century time. Planes can fly without wings, daisies can be cloned to have missing pebbles and two tone hair is in… And!… It's not P.C. to say someone's head is elongated… After all!… Who are we to say?

Then again!… What is visible may not be as it appears. The bent pointer finger and the “flip off” or also known as the “bird” this gesture of the middle finger extended as the hand appears is not intended… No!… I know this because it is my head placed upon the body of the subject matter at hand. (Excuse the pun.)

Wonderland!… I'll leave it at that… Alice went through the looking glass. And!… The glow off the Amanita Muscara penetrating my foot as I check the upside down pocket watch for brewing time may indicate the presense of herbal teas and herbs from Tanto's Tea Teepee… No!… I'm not under the influence… No!… I'm found above the glow and sitting on the table… Above the glow… Under the influence of this so called sacred mushroom some Shaman have even been known to utter in the corner for three days after ingesting… No!… As Brewmaster I must remain above the glow.

We know that we are at Juan's in Wonderland… Why?… Because the cups say so… Also!… There is suspicious cartoon activity in and around and below the hem of Alice's dress… Not visible to everyone's eye… Not within everyone's mind are the optical, verbal and/or other illusions of Wonderland.

More Coffee?…

Henry J.

Wow, what a cool design!!!
franzy 2006/10/24 21:31

Logo art is product in design by… sAIRah

December 13, 2006

News from NY or more specific Queens. We just discovered that our local coffee roster Baruir's is proudly presenting Juan and promoting 100% Colombian coffee as well. We will go back with our camera to take pictures and to notify them of a like minded coffee shop at the International Airport Montello. — eteam 2006/12/13 13:14

The Juan .... and only

Almost a month later we finally got the photos taken. Not that we drink coffee that rarely, it was just that we had never brought the camera when we got our fresh Juan Valdez coffee. But here they are from NYC to IAM, Juan is traveling the continent.
The Juan …. and only.
juan:juan1.jpg juan:juan2.jpg