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Nov - Dec 2005


Hi Henry J.
regarding the background information: The text of this site is supposed to appear dark brown on an almost white background.
Do you prefer black on white or the opposite? let us know and we will fix it!


Dateline: Montello Nevada USA

With respect to the above statement about this site. Question…The text is a dark brown on an almost white background?… An almost white background?… Maybe when the internet signal crosses over to the west side of the Mississippi River it makes the background become darker. The nickname for the Mississippi River is the Big Muddy. Do you think the “Big Muddy” may have splashed on the page when the internet signal crossed over the river causing the background to darken? Here in Nevada the background is gray and darker gray… Are we even on the same site?…
Henry J.

01-06-2006 - Interviews

Hello Henry J.
Since you kindly took on the job of the interviewer and had to test-interview yourself for the Chaplain position, we re-posted the above as an official application for the job as Airport Chaplain. Is that ok?
see re-post at JOBS at the Airport
We hope you'll have a good time doing the interviews, but we figured we don't have to worry. The good news is: Since you are the interviewer, you might have the great advantage of staying the only candidate for the Chaplain position, because if someone else applies, you just don't interview him of her or ask really difficult questions….. so in the end - your chances to get the job (again) will be pretty high.
We look forward to see more applications. P.S. Did Wild Blue arrive yet? — eteam

P.S. Wild Blue is still yonder. Yonder meaning there not here. In other words I am hoping for installation on Tuesday or Wednesday of this week. The Chapel building has been painted… New photo will be sent for editing. I like your rainbow effect. Photos will come with Wild Blue.
Henry J.

1-10-06 - Wild Blue

Dateline: Montello Nevada USA…
Office of the Chaplain
International Airport Montello

Wild Blue update… Installation is set for Thursday 9:00 AM (PST).

If by chance you just may be one who happens to be cruising over the written text and wonder what we are talking about when we mention Wild Blue…Well, you see, Wild Blue is a satellite transceiver and the only internet connection available here in rural northeast Nevada. In this day and age when one can bounce a signal off of a satellite some 17,000 miles in space… Well… Let me just say that's pretty state of art stuff for this little dusty desert town. No!…You can't say we're backwoods or backwards… No!… You can't say that at all. Not after Thursday. As they would say in Hawaii… “It be de kind, Bra”…

Help me with this… Anyone please… The old story about the text and the background. It seems I'm the only one who is telling the story. But!… I'm having trouble seeing the text against the background. Are you?… Yes!… Oh yes!… I can make out the letters if I squint or wiggle my head around… But is that how it should be?… If its only me having the problem then I would just leave things the way they are. I have already figued out how to highlight and then read. I have done some polling after showing others here in the Montello area and it appears I may be on to something. It really is no big thing. It is just one of many things that will surface upon creating an international airport. Please someone… Please anyone… Let me know what you see. Let me know here in this space. Yes… I'm talking directly to you the reader whoever or wherever you may be. Its ok log on and let us know. Inquiring minds want to know…

Anyway!… Are you seeing yellow text against a white background?…That would appear bright to the eye and almost impossible to read.

Henry J.

01-11-2006 - 09:05

Hello Chapel. Your last question definitely needs an answer, this problem a solution. Our background on the East Coast, on THIS very site, is white. Therefore, we must admit, it came as a surprise to us, that you choose YELLOW as the Chapel color.
Yellow on white, is very BRIGHT, but barely visible.
As you, we found a way though….“highlighting” - then your writing becomes visible (yellow on blue)… and after some confusion about your choice of color, we came to the conclusion, that this is your concept.
One has to illuminate in order to read the highlights.
But as it turns out, the choice of color, seems to be rather a practical question (to be able to read it) than a conceptual one. So, all we can do now, (before we might have to travel to the Mississippi and look if it spills) is to test the site on a PC. Hajoe will do that tomorrow at school, where he has access to PC’s. In the mean time, may be we can take pictures of the apperance of the site on our screens, to show each other, how it looks like. — eteam

screenshot1.jpg screenshot2.jpg
Chapel messages, as they appear before and after “highlighting” on a flat screen monitor connected to a G5 Mac computer in Brooklyn, NY.

messages, as they appear on the Chapel's monitor connected to a PC in Montello, Nevada

01-11-06 22:31hrs. (PST)

Dateline: Montello Nevada USA
Office of the Chaplain
International Airport Montello

Is mixing Apples and PCs like mixing apples and oranges?…Thank you for saving the little mental state of mind that I have left. We are in deed looking at two different worlds…Its not just some kind of mental thing going on in my head. Our view is totally different. I do not have the capability at this time to post a photo such as yours. But!… Thank you so very much for posting yours. I contacted Nevada Red and he did some photo work and emailed it to you. I trust in Hajoe's and Franzy's abilities to find a common denominator type of background… We are the best at what we do… We communicate to get the job done… We are Can Do people…
Henry J.

P.S. Hajoe is working, searching, trying hard to solve this problem.


Dateline: Montello Nevada
09:28hrs (PST)
Office of the Chaplain
International Airport Montello.

What a guy!…Hajoe you did it… The background on the PC is now white. My yellow text is way to bright to even read. So… I took action and went back and changed the yellow text to blue… What I had written up to this point was in a yellow text… The change was made… I like the color blue…I guess that's ok.

Anyway!… Now that the background thing is fixed we can see again… Wait!… Put everything on hold…I just got word that the toilet in the mens bathroom is running over…Who's in charge of that?…
Henry J.

01-12-2006 - 20:08 - The Toilet

The toilet is running over, background checks are producing multi-colored results, the time to upload takes too long, questions are arriving and queue in lines, get transferred into waiting lounges while older problems are departing, new questions are arriving - to process these kind of movements and flows are the operations that make an airport an airport. As a growing satellite of the global network of airports, International Airport Montello is no exception. Therefore, at certain moments, it is part of the procedure to excuse our appearance. We are undergoing a constant effort to upgrade into something new and better! For a more practical answer please watch the eteam HOW TO Video:

1-12-06 - 23:19hrs. (PST)

I'm on it… I'm all over it… Plunger in hand and pumping. I was motivated big time by the How To Unclogg A Toilet video. I had to go for it. Hands on to get the real feel for it. More!… More!… I had to have more… I watched all the videos at the e-team site and took their advice … I drove by my fence with a saw attached to my car to cut it straight along the top. Now!… I park my car with a rubber ball… The e-team tells it how it is with video…

I'm sure you have heard the old saying “I'll do that in a New York minute.” Well… Things start to slow down and are a little different the farther west one goes. Here in northeast Nevada all to often the phrase “We'll get it done on Nevada time” is heard. Getting it done on Nevada time is slow but not all that bad. Then!.. There is Montello Time… Well! … That's a whole other universe where time almost stands still. Anyway!…This is where the Wild Blue connection lies. In Montello Time. We're close! I saw the installer's face around mid afternoon instead of a 9:00 AM as promised. I was able to speak a few words before he found an excuse to put the installation off until tomorrow…There is hope… I have a plan. Tonight, in prayer, I'll mention how nice and fast it will be to have the e-Mac on line via satellite. All the better to praise you My Lord… Office of the Chaplain…International Airport Montello…Henry J…

Henry J. I don't understand. How could the Wild Blue man just come by and say Hello? Doesn't it take him a hour driving to get to Montello, where ever he is coming from? Anyway, like all cable, sattelite, phone, and DSL people, he probably had a technical explanation for the delay. But don't worry. We just got some brand new surveilance cameras in. We can install them in the mean while.
franzy 2006/01/13 20:08

01-14-06 - Entering Cyberspace

Dateline: Montello Nevada USA
Office of the Chaplain
International Airport Montello

Greetings of Peace to one and all:

PRAISE THE LORD…Thank you God the Father Almighty… Thank you e-team… Thanks to the organization known as Art In General. Thank you to the Apple Computer Company for making the e-Mac OS X … Thank you Wild Blue…

History in the making… This is the first offical entry into cyberspace for this our new e-Mac via Wild Blue satellite systems. As we thrust further into the 21st Century we realize Space is the Place. In this case Cyberspace. (Enough with the words Henry…Where's the pictures?)

Henry J.


Yeah!!!! You made it! Where is the sattelite installed? On the roof of the chapel? Yes, please send pictures! Many pictures. They should travel fast now.

== ==

01-17-2006 - The Terminal

A quick peep at the hole in the wall in the office of the Chaplain.
The eMac is the International Airport Montello internet terminal.

The large dark satellite dish is the Wild Blue connection mounted on the face of the Chapel.

01-19-2006 - The Slideshow

NOTICE….The Slideshow has been moved to the Airport Chapel

If a picture is worth a thousand words … Here's a couple hundred thousand … Please take a slide show tour of the Chaplain's office and the Chapel at International Airport Montello… Press to download a quick time movie. (CLICK ABOVE)

Applause! See response under: ABOUT


I Think we may be back to apples and oranges… Oops… I mean Apples and PCs. The slide show doesn't seem to work on PCs. I checked it out on both operating programs when we posted it and it worked then…But!… Check it out… Henry J.


Attention all airport personnel and passengers … Arriving at gate number 31 will be a special flight wishing a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Franzy …January 22, 2006
International Airport Montello

Dateline: Montello Nevada USA … 1-22-06 … 8:46 hrs. (PST)
International Airport Montello
Office of the Chaplain

Happy Birthday to Franzy:

A special prayer is being said here in the Chapel for you on this day celebrating your birth. We thank God for giving to the world … the one we know as Franzy.

All the personnel here at the airport as well as all the waiting passengers are joining in on the celebration by enjoying a piece of the large birthday cake. The cake is actually bigger than the plane that brought it here. Pink!… I believe that is your favorite color. Some have asked about good German beer to go along with the cake. … I told them I don't know about that… HAPPY BIRTHDAY!…
Henry J.

P.S. The link for the slideshow still doesn't work on PCs … Should we do something different like just post the photos? … On second thought… I think it will be better to just wait for Hajoe to make it right. We have faith in Hajoe's abilities. We trust he can fix anything related to computer programs.


Hello Airport. Thanks so much for the wishes and the great pink cake. It arrived on time and got eaten by many international transit passengers that got stuck on the decorated B-day premises. Earlier in the day…through the floating power of several balloons we were able to fly families with kids - but that was it for air traffic. Then the nightshift started and the personnel reported being asked the same “Can we have a beer?” question over here. They responded with a mix of potatoe Vodka, Kahula and heavy cream, also known as White Russian - the official b-day drink. After that, aviation was not an option anymore. So people went down to travel underground. — franzy

01-23-2006 - Inflight Entertainment

This is a test for the Orange Terminal Entertainment channels. Please check the reception in the Terminal, so we can work on an optimized viewing experience. Access to the 4 temporary channels is here.


Terminal … channel #2 working … EXCELLENT! …Thanks to Hajoe … Thee Webmaster. Aiport clear …01/24/06 … 09:53 (PST)

01-25-2006 - SECURITY ALERT

… SECURITY ALERT! …. A possible theft has taken place… Sarah's art work is missing… Anyone with information is requested to contact security …


The theft has occured on Jan 23rd 2006 between 10 AM and 2PM. The thief has vanished, but we have found the artwork. Thanks to our security dept. - Not only did the original artwork show up again, but related archival material too. – The incident is still under investigation.
As a general rule: “Never leave your bags or artwork unattended and report any suspicious items to the flight attendant if inside the aircraft or the Airport security screeners whilst outside.” →(VACANT JOB POSITION!)←

<box 90% orange| the recovered artworks as of 01-24-06> Here are some old drawings I found in the archives of the International Airport Montello. Sarah
mia_logo_1.jpg mia_logo_2.jpg

Hi Sarah,
Do you think these are early design sketches? What happened to them, why did they get forgotten in the archives? Why does the Terminal in Montello looks so much differnt now?
Should we add them to the logo site,or should we create an online archive for them? What do you think? — eteam 2006/01/21 12:39

I saw these ads. They were great. I even took a picture of them in Wendover last year! — franzy 2006/01/21 14:44 </box>

February 2006