Our Non-Understanding of Everything – installations

Installation view from our 16-part video series: “Our Non-Understanding of Everything” (parts 08, 04, 11, 06, 12, 02, 09) presented as part of our collaborative show: “Semi-Conducting Hand-Held Moons” together with with lololol at PS122 in NYC gallery from November 4- December 16, 2023

The videos were presented as a continuous loop on a projection screen (diagonal length of 155 inches) which hung from the ceiling and hovered above a pedestal in the middle. The backlighting of the screen are a set of LED lights that are continuously fading through the colors of the rainbow. There are three, very comfortable inflatable “bean bags” for viewers to sit in.

For our solo exhibition “Our Non-Understanding of Everything” at Create Gallery in Catskill, organized by Galen Joseph-Hunter and Bianca Felix Biberaj from Wave Farm (October 13 – November 12, 2023) we installed a projection wall (12 x 8 feet) and two free floating screens on which we projected two video-paintings. Each week – for the duration of the show (5 weeks) we projected two different videos from the series, inviting visitors to get a sense of the larger scope of this project and come back regularly to watch the different iteration.

Across from the projection wall (and the bench to sit on) were two floating screens on which we projected two silent video paintings, which looped continuously.  The sound from the main projection came from loudspeakers – which filled the room and accompanied the silent video paintings.

visitors could use the bench to see the back or front projections

Part 08 of “Our Non-Understanding of Everything” accompanied by two video-paintings was showing as a three channel video installation in the Documentary Arts Section of the Mimesis Documentary Film Festival from August 15-20, 2023, our installation won the Jury Award in the Documentary Arts Section.

For  “Bibliography” (February 4- April 7, 2024 ) at the Dorsky Museum in New Paltz, curater Sophie Landres invited participating artists to chose two books that had an influence on their work. The chosen books were displayed next to the artworks prompting a direct or loose dialogue. We chose “The Origins of Totalitarianism” by Hannah Arendt from 1951 and “Pilgrim at Tinker Creek” from 1974 by Annie Dillard.

For the group show “Compossibility” curated by Les LeVeque and Francine Hunter McGivern at CR10 in July 2024 we showed Part 04 of “Our Non-Understanding of Everything” as part of Drifting Carrier, 2024, a floating video sculpture with painted tree and inflatable bean bags. Part 12 was shown in an ongoing screening with works by Les LeVeque, Jeanne Liotta and Karl Nussbaum.