Setting up a Bamboo Theatre at Sam Shan Kwok Wong Temple next to Ping Shek Estate

For  the birthday of one of the deities in the Sam Shan Kwok Wong Temple a temporary bamboo structure was erected in order to stage Cantonese opera performances as thanksgiving for the deity. An extra box was built for the deity to watch the performances above the area where the audience was seated.
The makeshift structure is made up of bamboo poles and fir beams, erected as standards and ledgers to form frameworks. Covered with metal sheets, the gigantic “tent” can keep out the sun and the rain. The size of a bamboo theatre is flexible according to needs – it can be as small as to accommodate only a hundred or more, or big enough for thousands. The bamboo theatre building technique is exemplary of the age-old wisdom of Chinese architecture. >>>link>>>
It took only two days and no measuring tools to erect the complete structure, including the stage. On the list of Hong Kong’s “intangible cultural heritage” Bamboo Shed Theatre Building is listed as #516 > see list here >>>