Which new technologies to use? 360 video. Drone Swarms. Screens? Which new characters to introduce? What about Faust who sells his soul to Mephistopheles in exchange to being given the opportunity to learn everything there is to be known? What about Heibai Wuchang, the black and white impermanence? Sun Wukong, the monkey king? Shall we use the shadow puppets? The rod puppets? Where does it all happen? In hell? In real hell? In so called hell? In the modern world? In heaven? In a virtual place? What about the scale? What about Zhangzi’s butterfly dream? What about about the protests? What about civil disobedience? What about the extradition law? What about Hong Kong? What about China? What about Germany? What about history? And most important…what about the future?
Meeting: What happens next?