Archives for the Month of December, 2010

conference call

Call with Eteam December 23, 2010 On Call: Lea, Lena, Renee, Hajoe, Franzy +++++++++++++++ Tech Issues: Hajoe described some logistics issues.  Ngani has shipped the card to them, but it has not arrived yet.  They have Monday Skype calls with her, but this past Monday, there was no phone call.  They are having trouble getting […]

skype with Ngani

today at 9:00 pm like every week

SD cards

Finally the SD cards for the video camera have arrived at Ngani’s place. We had ordered them to speed things up, but the post office and maybe B&H messed all our plans up. It took over two weeks from NY to Pittsburgh for two SD cards.

phone conference

abbreviated transcription of phone conference Eteam Phone Call December 2, 2010 On Call: Lea, Renee, Franzy Franzy told us that Ngani has done five interviews so far, mostly with older people.  She will be working from Maria’s list to interview more people, including younger people in Larimer.  One interesting thing Ngani reported is that people sometimes […]