Renee, eteam and Kingsley Phone Call November 17, 2010

incomplete transcript of one of the phone conferences scheduled to be held every two weeks 11/10 – 12-10

Eteam and Kingsley Phone Call

November 17, 2010

Maria and Ngani met two weeks ago.  Ngani is going to be setting up shop at LA Grocery to do videos from there.

Six people were at a Kingsley meeting and signed up.  Ngani is going to contact them individually.  Ngani is going to work on this on Wednesday mornings.

Maria said she would be happy to help Ngani meet with people if she did not have time.  Also, they are going to take a portion of the $1,000 Kingsley received to purchase video cards and mail them to eteam.

When Franzy met Ngani in NY, Ngani told her that one of the owners of the store was a bit skeptical. She will go back and talk to the owner about it.  She thought this part was easy, but it was a bit more difficult than she expected.  eteam encouraged her to try again.  The nature of the project is for her to weave her way through.

The store is really tight.  Very small.  They have been running it for 20 years, and that there is a way to do it.  Ngani does not want it to be in a structured space, but a very homey space.

Ngani went to Grace Memorial Baptist Church and liked that space.  She knew the receptionist there, Brenda, and scheduled an interview with her.  And the Pastor.  It was supposed to happen yesterday.  She went twice to a guy they met, Tony, and he lived across the street from the lemonade stand.  He is a community guy b/c he spends his day on the porch talking to people.  He is on disability, he says his job is to talk to young people and get them on the right track.  He has rescheduled the interview two times.

What are the interviews about?

Starts with basic stuff, who the interviewees are and how long they have been there.  Then we  might find out more about the vacant lots and opportunities they see in these.  E.g. If someone would give a vacant lot to you, would you take it as a present?  We try to guide them to go in a more open direction. We will adjust the interviews once we get the first takes.

Wants a description in three weeks.

Does not want to lead the discussion on what happens.  She does want to share in the process; Kingsley can show it on their TV in the lobby.  Wants to see what the artists come up with.  Have a link from eteam to Kingsley.  She likes the idea that there may be YouTube full length interviews in full.  But something that then pieces together what the thoughts are on vacant lots.

The interviews are a research tool.  The final project won’t be a documentary, or that is not what we are planning right now.  The interviews could lead to what the next step is.    The research can be presented in some form.  We are working towards something more abstract or visionary.  The camera is also a way to familiarize people with how we work.

In the past, we sent pictures to participants, not necessarily videos.  But who knows, maybe the interviews are outrageous and we want to show them.

Kingsley would like something tangible to show, to be able to show people that their lives and stories are valued.

A very valuable opportunity – to have their stories heard and valued.

A little bit of an education about what art and artists can do.  That video can be an art form.  Kind of a slow education of what art can be.  As they grow with this, people open up to more abstract ideas.

Liked the video that eteam sent about the artist working in housing high-rises in London in the 70’s.

NEXT CALL:  DECEMBER 2nd at 10:30 AM.

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