On Sept.2, 2024 we visited the Jingmei Jiying Temple in Taipei to see the Taipei Puppet Theater 臺北木偶劇團 performing《下河東》(Down by the East River) as part of the 2024 Taipei Traditional Puppetry Festival. Here is a pdf (backup link) to the entire program.

Emerging from Taipei’s MRT and entering the warm night, we found ourselves in front of a big stage presenting a traditional puppet theater stage (彩樓) framed by two animated side curtains dancing to the competing forces of wind blowing on the plaza and fans blasting backstage while a continuously loud beeping alarm clock from a nearby stall that sold alarm – and wall clocks kept the time on high alert. The stage was set up on the plaza in front of Jingmei Jiying Temple, surrounded by individually lit night market stands that sell clothing, steaming dumplings, bubble teas, noodle soups, grilled vegetables, sausages, stinky tofu, toys and many other things. Because of possible rain pours, the audience section, filled with small red stackable plastic chairs was covered by a transparent plastic roof. We wondered why the plastic rain cover was transparent, and then reasoned that the glow from stage should probably be seen from as far away as the sound was to be heard, and not be obstructed by any opaque rain tarp. In addition, performances would only happen after it was dark, so a sun cover was not necessary. Admission to the shows was free, and people who passed by on their evening routines stopped, sat down for a while and watched the performance, filmed parts with their phones, ate snacks or dinners from the night market, left, came back, went to the temple and prayed, stood by the side and smoked, shopped and come back again, while the trash trucks, buses, scooters and cars are zooming by in the background. Several devoted audience members and traditional puppetry fans, who came watch the full, more than two hour long program, made use of two rows of black folding chairs right in front of the stage and many used either battery operated fans or old fashioned palm fans to cool themselves down.

Because the Puppetry Festival happened near a temple in a religious context, the show started with the performance of 扮仙 (“Playing fairy” or “Pretending to be fairies,” or “Dressing up as immortals”), an important opening scene/ritual in the traditional Chinese opera culture. 扮仙 is an auspicious play, and the characters (fairies or gods or immortals) that appear on stage, such as the common three immortals of fortune, wealth and longevity, have symbolic meaning that express the people’s prayers to the gods. 扮仙 is sacred in the religious beliefs and folk opera customs in Taiwan, and when invited by a temple, a traditional puppet troupe will perform this play before the main performance.
Once 扮仙 was performed,《下河東》(Down by the East River) started after a short intermission. Here is a short synopsis from the program notes, translated with the help of Google translate:
Zhao Kuangyin, Emperor Taizu of the Song Dynasty, received a series of battle orders, and the power came to him.
Yang Fang strongly advocated the decision to lead the expedition in person. Song troops arrived at the river in the east. Ouyang Fang made an appointment with Bai Yulong, the guard of Bailong Pass, at night to attack the Song camp. The Lord of the Song Dynasty summoned Shou Ting to enter the account and responded. Ouyang Fang was afraid that his words would reveal his traitorous plot, so he drew his sword and killed him.
The news spread back to Hufu, and Hu’s wife Luo led a pair of children to commit suicide by throwing themselves into a well, but luckily they called the ghost of Shouting to rescue them. Huyanzan came to Hedong to avenge his father, and Hushou Ting’s wronged soul. He came to tell his son not to harm Zhao Kuangyin and asked him to call him. Yanzan surrendered to Zhao Kuangyin.

宋太祖趙匡胤接得連環戰表,經權相歐 陽方力主下決意御駕親征。宋軍兵抵河東,歐陽方約同白龍關守將白玉龍,夜襲宋營。宋主傳呼壽廷入帳 話,歐陽方恐言談露洩賣國之奸計,即拔佩劍斬之。消息傳回呼府,呼妻羅氏帶領一雙兒女欲投井自盡,幸呼壽廷陰魂搭救。呼延贊來到河東為父報仇呼壽廷冤魂前來囑咐其子勿傷害趙匡胤,並要求呼延贊投效趙匡胤。

臺北木偶劇團成立於 2010 年,演職員以中生代為主,平均習藝年齡達 15 年以上,以延續傳統布袋戲為職志,是臺灣具活力的新生代木偶劇團之一。臺北木偶劇團以承襲傳統藝術、創造精緻藝術之精神,持續尋找傳統、發掘傳統,發揮過去習藝時所累積的豐富經驗,以認真、用心的製作方針,在不拘泥于傳統木偶劇之創作形式下,以多元及多變的木偶劇場藝術特色,創作出更細膩、精緻的表演方式,吸引更多觀眾走進劇場感受不同以往的袋戲饗宴。

The second part of the festival happened in a different location, at Taipei-Fu Cheng Huang Temple 台北府城隍廟 where we watched “Dragon Ranger: Wan Jiao Chan” by the Xin Zhou Yuan Palm Theater Company 0n September 10, 2024. 新洲園掌中劇團 《天龍遊俠之萬教查恩》In May 2021, a week before Taiwan’s national Covid-Lockdown, we had visited the troupe in Tainan and it was great to see them again in Taipei.
Fu Cheng Huang is a Taoist temple dedicated to the City God (Cheng Huang) and Taiwan’s oldest City God Temple. Xin Zhou Yuan Palm Theater Company’s stage, which was set up across the street on the temple’s plaza, looked like a fitting companion for the temple’s night time lights spectacle of traditional red and yellow lanterns, color changing and flickering LED lights and a large LED Text Ticker. Xin Zhou Yuan Palm Theater Company performs in the style of Jinguang or “Golden Ray,” 金光布袋戲 a form of puppet theater that developed in post-war Taiwan in response to political pressures to perform indoors for ticketed audiences, due to a ban of ceremonial outdoor performances in front of temples that were for free. *see reference There are several stylistic elements that differentiate “Golden Ray” from traditional Budaixi. The stage design uses flashy colors that glow in black light, the backdrops are colorful and often moving, the puppets are two two three times bigger than traditional hand puppets and the characters are often extravagant looking fantasy heroes, whose incredible super powers and fighting skills are being energized by flashing lights and LED’s, smoke, firing torches and a wide array of of exploding fireworks. For “Dragon Ranger”, 蘇俊穎 Su Jun-Jing, stood in front of the stage and live-narrated the entire performance employing a wide array of character voices and vocally produced sound effects to a mix of pre-recorded sound track of Western and Chinese pop songs, peppered with machine or live created cartoon sounds. Most of the narration was performed in Taiwanese while written scene summaries were projected on the sides of the stages.

劇情簡介: 劇情簡介 天龍遊俠因犯萬教禁殺會罪行,被三教 尊判處極刑,行刑中花美人出現解救, 卻遇見武林神秘殺手查恩俠,要和萬教 能人比試,找出沒死的就是他的大恩人, 天龍遊俠陷入前所未有的危機⋯⋯ 中原群俠紛紛現身解救,三不求與黑魔 神表明自己才是真恩人,到底殺人查恩 俠恩人是誰?遊俠會試招身亡嗎?一連 串好戲,請看天龍遊俠之萬教查恩⋯⋯
劇團簡介: 新洲園掌中劇團 1962 年由廖欽輝成立; 十四歲進入新五洲掌中劇團習藝,拜布 袋戲國寶大師黃海岱第二代傳人胡新德 為師,以劍俠及金光戲表演成名,在配 樂及舞台燈光的運用上極具突破及創新 能力。劇團目前由廖欽輝傳子明正經營, 演出廣受北部戲迷的喜愛與歡迎,淡水、 北投、天母、內湖、木柵及新北市為主 要表演戲路。
演職人員 團長|廖明正 主演|蘇俊穎 助演|趙金統、趙子淳、黃宥傑、黃于翔、莊馨瑋 工作人員|陳莞韻、陳麗鳳、廖淑芬、黃炳蒼、吳鳳琴、陳月裡
Plot synopsis (turned into English with google translate)
Tianlong Ranger was sentenced to death by the Three Religions for committing the crime of the Wanjiao Ban-Killing Association. During the execution, Hua Meiren came to rescue him, but he met the mysterious martial arts killer Cha Enxia. He wanted to compete with the Wanjiao capable person to find out that the one who survived was his big brother. Benefactor, Tianlong Ranger fell into an unprecedented crisis……
The heroes from the Central Plains all showed up to rescue one after another. San Buqiu and the Black Demon God showed that they were the true benefactors. Who is the benefactor of the murderous Cha En? Will the ranger die by trying his moves? For a series of good shows, please watch Tianlong Ranger: Wanjiao Cha En ………………
Introduction to the troupe
Xin Zhou Yuan Palm Opera Troupe was founded by Liao Qinhui in 1962. At the age of fourteen, he entered the New Wuzhou Palm Opera Troupe to study under Hu Xinde, the second generation descendant of Huang Haidai, the national treasure master of puppetry. He became famous for his swordsman and golden ray opera performances. Extremely breakthrough and innovative in application. The troupe is currently run by Liao Qinhui’s son Mingzheng, and its performances are widely loved and welcomed by theater fans in the north. Tamsui, Beitou, Tianmu, Neihu, Mucha and New Taipei City are the main performing theaters.
Leader | Starring Liao Mingzheng | Su Junying assisted by Zhao Jintong, Zhao Zichun, Huang Youjie, Huang Yuxiang, Zhuang Yiwei Staff | Chen Guanyun, Chen Lifeng, Liao Shufen, Huang Bingcang, Wu Fengqin, Chen Yueli

view from inside Taipei-Fu Cheng Huang Temple towards the stage with exploding fireworks