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Comments, Request and Reservations from passengers booked on any 2006 Flight into IAM.

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⇒ Layover's are common at IAM. The stops, (anticipated, planned or forced) that interrupt the traveler's journey can last from a couple of hours up to 35 years.
At a standard airport a layover is passed through waiting. Passengers sit around and hope their situation will improve through the fact that they will be leaving the airport soon. At IAM things work the other way around.
We don't put emphasis on the departures of planes. No! We celebrate the passenger's arrival. This way it feels “natural” if a passenger has a hard time to leave. If layover time exceeds more than a couple of hours, IAM layovers transform themselves into mutations of the brain, the skin, the memory, etc. They become part of the passenger.
Of course these things don't just happen, because of International Airport Montello's location. It's also due to a special ⇒ ground crew; amazing professionals in their fields.

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If you are on an extended layover and need transport from one facility to another there is a Shuttle Bus available.


The links below tell stories of passengers that experienced layovers at IAM.

Layover Support Crew Member

stranded film crew

SLC family

AIG Airlines Stewardess

NYC passenger

Airport Sketch Passenger

last_minute.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/18 20:56 by