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The Transit Lounge opened in February 2006. It is a place for passengers to spend their idle time.
As soon, as we get the gaming license to be approved by the State of Nevada, gaming tables and slot machines will be installed. See plans here.

Music to pass the time away while you are waiting for your flight.
We here at IAM try to have a complete selection of music for everyone.
Select the music below that you want to listen to while you wait for your flight.

dragon Dragon
SoundOfSilence Sounds of Silence
time On The Road Again
CaliforniaDreaming California Dreaming
SeaShoreSound Sea Shore Sound
Rise Rise
sweet16 Sweet 16 Blues
MrsRobinson Mrs Robinson
More Selections comming soon

Howdy to our PASSENGERS


Thanks for using International Airport Montello. While you are waiting for another connection, a freshly brewed cup of coffee, the taxi which brings you to the cell phone booth or the Tacoma Heights People Mover; write some airport postcards and let people know, how much you like it here, or what should be done to upgrade your experience.

To do so, you have to get stamped (REGISTERED) first. So please look at the Airport Directory and go to the Passenger Check In. This will lead you to the Immigration counter where you have to click on REGISTER. Make sure you supply a valid e-mail identification. Seconds later a new passport will be issued in your name and your transition is complete.

As a THANK YOU PROOF of how much we appreciate your input, frequent flyer miles will be added to your passenger account.


<box 90% round green> February 5, 2006
Congratulations on your new transit lounge- however, with the staff on strike and the unlimited supply of grain alcholhol- we somtimes feel we are on the road (or I should say sky) to nowhere. L & E

February 6, 2006
Dear Passengers L&E,
thank you for your comments. We are glad you like the transit lounge. You must have visited the airport on a very special day - probably while a birthday party of a crew member was going on. On a regular basis, the supply of grain alcohol at this airport is never unlimited. At one point we always run out of it. Otherwise, your geographical feelings match our coordinates. International Airport Montello is nowhere, which is one of the reasons why it does not operate like every other airport. We hope on one of these days, you will use IAM again.
We'll see you around - in the air or on the ground!
Yours truly,
IAM Customer Service

February 7, 2006
Montello Airport Transit Lounge. Kirby is right this minute on a layover in the International Airport in Philadelphia for 2 1/2 hours waiting for his connection to Madrid, Spain. On his way back maybe he can post some flyers of your exquisite lounge or perhaps stealthilly place travel brochures about the washrooms. Please contact him as I am sure he is currently on-line trying to “kill” or “liven up” a few hours of waiting time. xo, Robin (from Base Zora's bedroom) over and out.
PS The orange traffic cones make a fabulous resting spot. Have you considered exhibiting your simple yet sophisticated design in Architectural Digest?

February 12, 2006
Dear Passenger Robin,
thank you for your comments. Our control tower tried to directly contact passenger Kirby at Madrid International Airport Montello. Unfortunately, due to the persistence of an unstable communication protocol (a problem which just got fixed this weekend by our tech department) our attempts to connect with Philadelphia and Madrid failed. We therefore wrote passenger Kirby an email, forwarding your great idea to post flyers of the IAM lounge on other airport's washroom doors, to which he has not replied yet. If you have any idea, of how we could send passenger Kirby promotional materials to Spain, please let us know. We hope you will visit us soon again,
Yours truly,
IAM Customs

February 8, 2006
It is the logo that makes me want to make the trip. I was thinking of getting out of town and spending some time in that airport lounge, but need to know what the piped in music is as I may be waiting fo a looooonnnng time for my connection. Please reply to Elizaville, where there is no airpath out.
p.s. how is the cell phone service in the booth?

February 8, 2006
Dear Passenger B.
thank you for your comments. Music is a good idea. But here at IAM we don't just pipe in the music. We provide live entertainment. The stage is set. So, please don't hesitate, book a flight and wait for the things to come.
Yours truly,
IAM Costume Department


Dear Passengers


A long time ago, we promised live entertainment at the Transit Lounge!
There were lot's of applications to the position of “IAM Lounge Act”,
and it took many hours to go through the tapes of interviews and singing tests to make a decision.

But, as always - waiting at IAM pays off.
We think, we found her.

It is nobody else but the young lady, who replied to the question: “Are you concerned at all to sing over the airport noise?
“No, not at all. I have strong pipes… to die for!”

So let's find out, if that's true and turn your spotlight on:

Me and Bobby Mc Gee

Busted flat in baton rouge, waiting for a plane
And is feelin nearly as faded as my jeans.
Bobby thumbed an airplane down just before it rained,
It flew us all the way in to new orleans.


For pre-recorded entertainment click here

Introducing Ron Tello

Ron Tello is a recovering Rock n Roll Drummer. So your wait in the transit lounge will not be boring. The Jets and planes noise are no match for Ron Tello's Drums!
Come take a pleasant ride. And Bang a Gong!
Nothing ever crashs here but the cymbals. The Transit lounge and Terminal one will never be the same!!!

Are we going to be able to hear some samples? — hajoe 2006/07/26

Bobby Kent in Concert

During the layover at IAM on Sept. 15, 2006 Bobby Kent gave an exciting concert in the cowboy bar. He played songs from his CD: Still Here. The audience loved it!
Later on, Bobby signed old records for new fans.

If you are interested in purchasing a CD from Bobby, please contact the gift shop staff. They will put you in touch with him.

transit_lounge.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/18 20:56 by