

Hello, hello,
did the pictures arrive yet?


Photos are in hand and I guess one could even say photos are in view.

Separation is taking place and distribution to the respective parties will happen soon. The photos reflect smiling faces and fun times.

Henry J.

I am glad the photos arrived. Let us know, if you want specific ones enlarged - (to what size) so we can order them.
Other then that - we are editing, editing, editing all the video material (toatal of more than 20 hours). We'll have first results by January 2007.
It's very exciting to work with the materials.


The stormy weather continues and blows stories about International Airport Montello into the world.
Check out this article by Tom Vanderbilt in “Modern Painters”.
P.S. It is strange how someone could get the managers name wrong. I heard it loud and clearly more than twice: “Welcome to IAM. My name is Ron Abott.”


What's even stranger, is how someone could misspell his name. It's spelled numerous times on the IAM Management webpage. But I'll help out here, it's spelled Ron Abbott. But what's in a name anyhow? The important thing is, they remembered him!


Hm, I think, I misspelled your last name, because Abbott did not make it into the computer automated spell check yet. Unfortunately I am depending almost 100% on that tool for all my writing. But from now on, I will not only remember him, but the double B as well.


Things are always on my desktop and therefore in my vision. My dad had just sent me a newspaper cutout which says empty your cache. So as we are editing the IAM video footage right now, I thought it might be a good idea to empty the airport cache. As I am a paranoid person, I am not just emptying something without knowing its relativity of the content it contains. So I searched airport and cache and ended up at Logan's cache airport, an airport fairly close to IAM. How can I empty a place, an airport which is cache itself? I went to find out more about Logan's cache airport and came across visionair, which tried to get permission to land there. Trailing visonair I came across various different interpretations and uses of visionair, each differnt, but airport related. It does not become clear to me so I need a revisionair. - I am stuck as to what to do with my cache. I'll leave it where it is right now and get the cutout out of my vision. hajoe

November 22, 2006


Wishing You Success and Abundance!

On behalf of IAM Management, I'd like to wish you an incredible and wonderful Thanksgiving Day tomorrow. We all have much to be grateful and thankful for, and I wanted to share our desire for you to have a blessed and wonderful day.

In Honor of the Great Job everyone here at IAM has done throughout the year, I am hereby giving everyone Thanksgiving Day OFF to be with your Family & Friends, except those who have volunteered to work to make sure all of our travelers have a safe & enjoyable experience while passing through IAM.

I'll see you back at IAM on Friday!

Be sure to watch this video, it takes a minute to load, but it's worth it, and it's FREE, and be Thankful!

Everyone Enjoy!

As for me, I'm most thankful for all the wonderful employee's here at IAM.


Happy Thanksgiving!

IAM Interim Manager Ron L. Abbott


Henry J ain't done CRAP with the PIX!! And he' holding out on the Chocolate, too! The man's losing his grip! -Ron Tello



Merry Christmas to all from THAT Place and the Sky View Dinner Club.

December 19, 2006

As we prepare for the Christmas Holidays I'd like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very “Merry Christmas.”

I'd also like to “Thank” each and every one of our dedicated employees for your outstanding job performance so far this month. As you all know this next week will be our very busiest time here at IAM. It is only with your devotion to duty and dedication to your job that we here at IAM can be sure to provide our traveler's with the very best service during this holiday season.

Thanks again, for a job well done to one and all!



animated-santa-sleigh_reindeer.gifanimated-christmas IAM Interim Manager Ron L. Abbott

December 22, 2006

Happy Holiday greetings to everyone at IAM sends the eteam!

December 25 - Christmas Day


Christmas Eve… Perfect… As the Airport Chaplain I found Christmas Eve to be a perfect time to greet each local participant of the IAM Layover I could reach. Yes!… To greet and pass along a thank you from the IAM staff as I handed each an envelope containing photos involving their Layover participation. I say a perfect time… Yes!… Included with each greeting was Merry Christmas… Again… And!… This time to you…I take this opportunity to wish you and yours a Merry Christmas and may the new year find good health, direction, purpose, and happiness in all you may create and in all you may experience.

May the Good Lord bless and keep you until we meet again.

Henry J. Casolari
Airport Chaplain


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