September 2006


! ! ! ! ! ! ! To all available plane pushers ! ! ! ! ! !

After hurricane Ernesto blew our first attempt to launch the plane at Floyd Bennett Field on September 2nd, and after a serious sandstorm at International Airport Montello prevented the landing of the plane on September 15, 2006 causing an extended layover, it’s time to get the aircraft back into the hangar, before it gets hit by a snowstorm.

Rain, hail or snow - we are ready for the blow.

Saturday, October 7, 2:00–4:00pm
at Floyd Bennett Airfield
Shuttle departs from Art in General in NYC at 1:00pm sharp


Subsidies Keep Airlines Flying to Small Towns
read this article here


Happy Columbus day! From Computer ED and Columbus Junior..


Ground Crew Montello
Did the chocolate plane arrive?


The photo department sent some images (hard copies) to the Chapel. In case you like them and want some of them in larger formats, please let us know which one's and we can order them.

Also, did you notice that there is a foreign correspondent (one or more) reporting on International Airport Montello almost daily. It's stunning material to read. Also surprising. The accounts of what happened seem sometimes so different from what my experience was, and how I would interpret the events.
Is that me, or is that the foreign correspondent? I would like to get an other opinion, if you have time…
May be the correspondent relies mainly on images and never had the real experience. May be the foreign correspondent just watches too much IAM television.
On the other hand, who says that the truth can not be invented? And why should there be interest in the real thing, when the invention - set up as a real thing - might be more original!
Please feel obliged to correct and inter/ or counter - act - if that's not how the story should be written. It might be after all, just a matter of translation.
I hope to see you soon agane - in a plane - or around - on the ground.
Yours, Franzy


10-15-2006 - Excuse me... But!


Excuse me… But!… I have a piece of chocolate in my mouth and I'm sitting here at Juan's enjoying a cup of 100 percent pure Colombian. Coffee that is… I've just returned from a week long mission in California. And!… After coffee in the morning I'll embark on another mission at 5:00 AM. This early morning mission will take me directly south to Las Vegas. Typical turn around time for a Airport Chaplain based out of IAM… Hey!… I love serving God and besides… That's what airports do. Launch to go… And!… Land… Land to arrive… In and out… That's what it's about.

Excuse me… But!… My fingers are all sticky from the chocolate. So… If some of these fonts or my words stick together it may be a result of the chocolate. Yes!… Chocolate… German Ritter Sport assortment of chocolates. Weisse Voll-Nuss, Joghurt, knusperflakes, Halbbitter, Vollmilch and Nugat… That's just to name a few… Do you hear me?… Do you understand?… Fine chocolates from Germany… Thank You God the Father Almighty for German Chocolate… And!… Thank you God for Franzy… Franzy?… Of course… Franzy sent the chocolates for the Montello Ground Crew. A tasty treat enjoyed by a hard working crew.

Excuse me… But!… I found the foreign correspondant's account of his or her experiences entertaining. However!… It didn't take long to realize that we were traveling on different planes.

Franzy… With respect to your request for another opinion if one has the time. Let me just say it this way… Time is what I'm all about.

Excuse me… But!… My fingers are all sticky from tasting the chocolate. Still…I need to finish distributing the chocolates to the ground crew that work at the airport.

Please come to the Airport Chapel and we'll talk about when it is all said and done what remains is the Truth. Can the truth be invented?… Should there be an interest in the real thing if what is invented supercedes the real thing?… Airport Chapel… I'll see you there.

Henry J. Casolari


Dear Chaplain,
I hope the chocolate makes the cold winds (I imagine blowing in Montello) more bearable. Sometimes chocolate can bee so good, one forgets everything else. Chocolate and Coffee is an even better combination.
Anyway… since I am more about “Time” like in “ running out of it again”, I hope to be quick in announcing the following points:

1. There was a beautiful attempt to fly to IAM last weekend. People jumped up in order to get the plane off the ground. See photos here

2. Kristin (FTBA) used her frequent IAM flyer miles and came to NYC. Her condition “grew”, that's how I would like to describe it. It might be a good sign. (see picture and decide for yourself)

3. The photo department managed to upload some pictures from the last IAm layover.

3.1. Layover Passenger Sancho uploaded amazing airport sketches. (see below)

4. I read this tonight in the newspaper article:
and thought, there was some other connection, than just making similar statements about place and mind…something about rock and rocking chair…you know what I mean? (because I don't)

“CBGB is a state of mind,” she said from the stage in a short preshow set for the news media whose highlight was a medley of Ramones songs.
“There’s new kids with new ideas all over the world,” she added. “They’ll make their own places — it doesn’t matter whether it’s here or wherever it is.”

5. Important Question: If episodes of IAM would turn into a little home video production -what would be your favorite airport “theme song?”

6. More on true fiction upon your return. Safe travels.

Franzy 2006/10/15 21:00

P.S. The announcements took much longer than I thought…

10-20-2006 Media Attention

The film crew has reappeared. They are still searching for a story, and they are looking for RonTello.


Paid Advertisement

Excuse me for entering on the thought of time… Anyway… That’s where I’m entering …


I’m seizing by thrust into this moment of time.
I’m going to make it sparkle, twinkle and shine.

I introduce to you a Lattee. A Lattee so fine…
Sipping is to tasting as reading is to rhyme.


When it’s coffee time

10-21-2006 Decoding Attempt

10-21-2006 - Airport Chapel Perspective




International Airport Montello means internet art advancing intellectual methodology.

The message lies in the entire structure of letters reading as an acronym in a statement form. That's how we here at the Chapel see it. I share with you this perspective I enjoy while I continue viewing the site as it developes. So… I say the code is at least busted. There may be another version. Maybe even a more popular one. Still… The code is busted.

Henry J. Casolari

10-23-2006 - Attention Webmaster

Please… Help… Juan's new logo sign arrived and we need help. Maybe a little smaller and… What Am I saying?…You know what do to! …. You're the Master… Thank you for making it work.

The staff at Juan's

Juan's, the logo looks like somehow an apple was involved. Super cool.
The web master left the computer station early today. But his electronic calendar is blinking - tomorrow first thing in the morning, it says: REsIzE Juan's Coffe Cup.=)

fixed the size to? If more adjustments are needed, please indicate by specifying the size. Like when I am ordering a coffee and I get asked small, medium, large? (or even more like sugar, how many, milk, cream, creamer,…) Almost too many choices.

10-24-2006 - Snow in the Mountains and Suggestion One


A while ago I asked about the IAM sound track. Without guidance in that matter, I arrived at the following KARAOKE suggestion:

It's the Bee Gee's. You know the song as “More than a woman”, but they came out with an updated version.

If you feel the moment is right, please have a drink, put the video camera in a steady hand or on a sturdy tripod, turn on the Karaoke machine, have another drink and deliver it for waiting passengers in NYC like a true presenter:


Yes I know it kind of well
I've seen it growing everyday
I never really looked before
but now it does not go away.
Suddenly it’s in my life
part of everything I do
it got me working day and night
just trying to keep a hold on it

Here on this ground there is a terminal
another chance for airworthiness
and if I deny it now I think I would ly

Oh say you'll always be this airport
we can make it shine, we can take forever
just a minute at a time.

More than an airport, more than an airport to me
more than an airport, more than an airport to me
more than an airport, oh, oh, oh.

There are stories old and true
of people so involved like you and me
and I can see myself
let history repeat itself.

Reflecting how I feel for it
thinking about those people then
I know that in a thousand years
I'd probably would try again.

It’s just another way to get up high
it's not the only way to go
but if we really try I think we could fly

Oh say you gonna be this airport
we can make it shine, we can take forever
just a minute at a time.

More than an airport, more than an airport to me
more than an airport, more than an airport to me
more than an airport, oh, oh, oh.

P.S. fly and try also rhymes with lie, buy, high, tie, pie, why….

10-24-2006 - Suggestion Two

Rock and sage it!!!

see here
Jefferson's Starship
We built this city, slightly changed into:

We built this airport
We built this airport on air and rock
We built this airport
We built this airport with air and rock


Hi everyone, Just wanted to let everyone know my second part of the International Airport Montello experience was published this past sunday at
read the article here
and I posted some pics from the Floyd Bennett Field event also:
Jason Dean

log11.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/18 20:56 by